Angry bees

make the best honey   

What We Do

We are a home micro business, producing honey and helping other local apiarists with hardware supplies. Our honey is unheated, unpasteurized, and unprocessed. We put it through a sieve to take the wax and small particles out, but the honey is completely untreated. Raw honey has excellent antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti fungal properties. 





Raw honey


Raw honey has all the goodness

Our honey is a sweet and viscous substance made by angry bees. Honey is made and stored to nourish bee colonies. Bees produce honey by gathering and then refining the sugary secretions of plants or the secretions of other insects, like the honeydew of aphids. This refinement takes place both within individual bees, through regurgitation and enzymatic activity, as well as during storage in the hive, through water evaporation that concentrates the honey's sugars until it is thick and ready to be stolen by us humans, but don't worry we leave them plenty.